During our lockdown whole school music lessons we learned the song song Rise Up. I chose Rise Up because it encapsulates how so many children and adults are feeling at the moment. Every child at Star had the opportunity to submit a recording of themselves singing the parts of the song that their year group learned with me. Years 5 and 6 learned the whole song, years 3 and 4 learned a little less and so on down to reception who were just taught the chorus.
There were a lot of technical challenges involved in recording themselves from home, but children and parents worked very hard to get their recordings in. 32 children from all year groups sent in a recording, some children had even used the practice video that I uploaded to google drive to teach themselves even more of the song. Such brilliant independent Star singers. I mixed everything together over half term and what you can hear is the result. Star Primary School is immensely proud of all our Star online choir and I hope you are too. We will Rise unafraid from this past year stronger and more resilient than ever.
Huge thanks to our violin and guitar teachers for teaching and recording the music.
Our super Star Singers are:
Reception – Maci, Hannah S, Eliza, Rimjhim.
Year 1 and 2 – Mahzuz, Kexin, Alara, Nehan, Hareem, Alisha, Adrijus, Joanna, Safaa.
Year 3 and 4 – Gehvan, Sarah A, Lena, Sofia A.Zara L, Zaara T, Matthew S, Gabriel.
Year 5 and 6 – Alice, Amelia (singing and playing), Natan, Aiden, Lakisha, Leon, Maarush, Nahia, Aziza, Elinda.