To ensure safe and compliant operation, Star Primary School’s Governors, Headteacher, Leadership team and delegated staff maintain a wide range of policies and procedures.
They are drawn up and periodically reviewed using national and local policy documents as well as good practice guidance. Each policy is written then submitted for approval by the Headteacher and the school’s governors.
Pupil and Sports Premiums
At Star Primary we allocate the Pupil Premium and Sports funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school have identified as being socially disadvantaged. The spending of Pupil Premium and Sports Premium takes into account the specific needs of these pupils and their families alongside the highlighted areas for development of the school.
Through this approach, we aim to reduce the gap in progress and achievement between those entitled to this funding when compared to those who are not. We regularly monitored and evaluated the effectiveness of our provision to ensure that appropriate and prompt provision is made for all pupils who belong to vulnerable groups.
We ensure that outstanding teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all our pupils are at the heart of all of our funding decisions. All of our spending decisions are aimed at accelerating progress for these pupils to ensure they achieve a minimum of age-related expectations with the school’s aspiration being higher than this.
Allocations for 2022-23 |
Allocations for 2021-22 |
Allocations for 2020-21 |
Allocations for 2019-20 |
Allocations for 2018-19 |
Allocations for 2017-18 |
Financial Information
Number of school employees with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more in increments of £10,000 | 1 employee |
Please click here to view Star Primary School’s Financial Benchmarking page.
Equality Objectives
Equality Strand |
Action |
How will the impact of the action be monitored? |
Who is responsible for implementing? |
What are the timeframes |
Early success indicators |
All |
Publish and promote the Equality Plan through the school website, newsletter and staff meetings. |
Question about parent awareness of Equality Scheme in annual survey |
Headteacher / SLT/ designated member of staff |
Immediately after Equality Plan is agreed by governing body |
Staff are familiar with the principles of the Equality Plan and use them when planning lessons, creating classroom displays Parents are aware of the Equality Plan |
All |
Encourage pupils to take on more responsibility through the school. Prefects, House Captains, Head Boy & Head Girl.(School council, monitoring stairwells, office duties, playground buddies, breakfast club duties, Ict monitors, rights ambassadors.) Help resolve friendship issues by using the schools zones of regulations. |
Pupil surveys, staff meetings feedback, increase in pupils’ participation, confidence and achievement levels |
Headteacher / SLT/ designated member of staff (Asma Rizvi) |
Yearly |
Pupils are more visible throughout the school taking responsibility and showing initiative. Pupils feel proud when supporting and helping others.Pupils lead tours of school environment and talk confidently about the curriculum. |
All |
Continue to promote the “Nurturing and Growing Together”ethos. |
Pupil survey findings School council Talking to pupils
Phase Leaders to monitor pupil targets and assess impact |
Headteacher / SLT /designated member of staff |
Ongoing |
There is measurable progress in children’s enjoyment and engagement at school. Children display a sense of self –belief that they are able to achieve their true potential. Children are able to track their own progress; have clear identifiable goals. Children show interest and desire to aspire to new things and plan a future career. |
All |
Be a rights respecting school |
Children are able to vocalise rights, children’s actions and behaviors embody the children’s rights. Achieve gold rights respecting award |
All |
Ongoing Maintain gold status |
Rights are embedded in lessons,units of work. Rights are displayed in all classrooms and linked to displays. Autumn 1 – Rights theme is successful in generating talk around rights. |
All |
Celebration of faiths linked to RIGHTS |
Assemblies Book sampling Pupil voice/surveys celebration weeks e.g. Inter- Faith week |
Headteacher / SLT /designated member of staff |
Ongoing |
Heightened awareness of other faiths and cultures across the school. |
All |
Rigorous analysis of data to ensure all pupils achieve. Identified groups of pupils targeted to raise attainment.
Particular focus on writing in Reception, KS1 and LKS2. |
Half termly assessments. Data to LA. SLT discussion on progress with external School Improvement Partner. HT report to Governors. HTDM termly |
Headteacher / SLT Governing body |
Ongoing |
Reading, writing and phonics is extremely well taught and translates to over 70+% of pupils achieving the ELG for reading and writing and 80+% of children passing the phonics screening in Y1 |
All |
To use the new Community Room in order to engage more parents in specific workshops which link in with school priorities. Parent Information Meeting every term. |
Parental Questionnaires Feedback from staff |
Headteacher / SLT /designated member of staff |
Termly PIM Meetings |
Programme of parental workshops in place for the spring /summer term. Parents are more informed of ways to support their children. |
All |
Arrange family events which will showcase the school’s commitment to Internationalism – Summer festival/winter festival |
School pastoral Team to facilitate events and complete Parent Surveys |
Headteacher / SLT /designated member of staff |
Summer 2023 |
Parents and the local community take part in an event ‘Summer festival’ that highlights Internationalism and Cultural Awareness. Winter festival celebrates |
All |
Ensure that the rights based curriculum/ black history month promotes role models that young people positively identify with, which reflects the school’s diversity |
Increase in pupils’ participation, confidence and achievement levels |
History lead, through history lesson plans linked to Star writing scheme. |
Ongoing |
Notable increase in participation and confidence of targeted groups |
All |
To drive Out of School Hours Learning ( through a variety of lunchtime and after school club. |
Parent and pupil questionnaires. Impact of provision closely tracked by Coordinator – feedback to HT Assessment file for Quality Assurance Mark – updated regularly. |
Headteacher / SLT /designated member of staff |
Ongoing |
Pupils have access to a wide range of experiences that are sport related, creative, technical as well as academic. Increase in attendance as children want to come to school. Development of the whole child; particularly social skills. School accreditation in recognition of provision |
All |
To disseminate Star’s excellent SEND practice across schools. To share exemplars of pupil profiles and child centered plans with colleagues across the LA. |
Termly meetings with parents Governors meetings SLT meetings LA Cluster meetings |
Headteacher / SLT /designated member of staff |
Yearly |
Consistent approach to pupil profile and child centred plans across the school Pupils aware of personal targets Parents fully informed and on board Good practice followed up with the LA |
All |
Recognise and represent the talents of able pupil programmes, and ensure representation on the programmes fully reflects the school population |
able pupils monitored by race, gender and disability |
Headteacher / SLT /designated member of staff |
From Sept 2019 |
Analysis of the able pupils indicates it is changing to reflect the school’s diversity |
All |
Ensure that displays in classrooms and corridors promote diversity and linked to RIGHTS based curriculum. |
Increase in pupil participation, confidence and positive identity – monitor through RSHE |
Headteacher / SLT/designated member of staff |
Ongoing |
More diversity reflected in school displays across all year groups |