Intention |
At Star we aim to develop young Geographers with a lifelong curiosity and fascination of the world around them. Through studying key physical and human processes, pupils will have a desire to travel; discovering the places they have learnt about. We want pupils to be inquisitive about their local environment whilst respectful and knowledgeable of different cultures. Children will leave Star with life skills; knowing how to travel from one location to another, proficient in map use and interpreting data obtained from field studies. Teaching will equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and the interconnection between natural and human environments. Children will be determined to travel, overcoming any challenges from growing up in inner city London. They will know their role within the world, and be an advocate for protecting the environment for future generations. |
Implementation |
Geography at Star is taught through a topic-based rights curriculum, such as ‘The Earth our Home.’ through the four key strands of Locational Knowledge, Place Knowledge, Human and Physical Geography and Geographical Skill and Fieldwork. Through a range of creative and practical activities, such as mapping the school and local environment, we give pupils core knowledge, support them in practising skills and help them develop a deeper understanding of the world in which they live. Pupils can:
Impact |
Star pupils learn to love the planet Earth and think sustainably, becoming enterprising and capable global citizens. As Geographers, pupils have respect for all cultures and understand how Geography has played an important roles in the evolution of people and their environments (Article 29, Unicef Rights). Pupils understand how their actions impact their local community as well as the world around them, thus thinking critically and analytically about how they can resolve environmental issues created by humans. |
In The Classroom | Progression Framework | Key Vocabulary | National Curriculum |
Enrichment |
Children at Star Primary are given many enrichment opportunities as part of the wider computing curriculum. We run three residential educational visits to contrasting locations in Key Stage 2. Each location provides the children an opportunity to explore the United Kingdom and develop locational and place knowledge of their own country. In Early Years and Reception the children complete regular ‘local area’ trips to help their knowledge of the world around them. The children have access to a range of Geography apps to enhance their learning. They also use ‘Digimap’ to help with their map skills. A Geography club is available to KS2 in which children practise their Geography skills in a hands-on environment. |